Our Story: Who is The Nonsense Maker?

The Artist
Emily May
Emily May, best known by her alter ego ‘The Nonsense Maker’, lives rogue in a world ruled by imagination. By day you can spot her caffeine fuelled and roaming the inner lane ways of Melbourne, by night she explored secret passageways winding to worlds only accessible in dreams. From these worlds she conjures her images, captured where dreaming meets reality and the nonsensical is in limitless bloom.
Image: The Nonsense Maker x By Holly Rose Photography

The Everything Else
Sidonie Moore
With a background in business Sidonie Moore is a cheerful corporate misfit. Too silly for the suits, she is likely found cycling the streets with the wind in her hair and a smile on her face. As luck would have it, one day she came across Emily May. Uniting over a shared love of coffee and everything magic, they decided to pair logic with the illogical and bring The Nonsense Maker to the world.
Our Values
All of The Nonsense Maker's products are designed and ethically made in our home town of Melbourne. We do our best to produce high quality, long lasting products while also being kind to our planet and its people. To learn more about us take a look at Our Values page!