Enjoy these whimsical activities for kids, curtesy of The Nonsense Maker. Perfect for school holidays and wet day timetables! Colour your own artwork or make your own short film with our quirky stop motion Bear. Download and print at home!

Free activity for Kids

Rowboats & Balloons Colouring Sheet

Looking for a fun activity to keep your children entertained this school holidays? Introducing our free downloadable Rowboats & Balloons colouring sheet!

Your child will love using their imagination and creativity to bring this whimsical illustration to life. Download and print out the colouring sheet to keep them entertained for hours!

Free Activity for kids

Make a Stop Motion Bear

A creative activity to keep kids entertained for hours!

Step 1: Open the file and select print.

Step 3: Cut the pieces out and put Bear back together using split pins.

Step 4: Make a stop-motion film! You can download a stop motion app (I used Stop Motion Studio), or you can set up your camera in one spot and take photos of Bear as you move him.

Step 5: Share your video with us! Tag us on instagram @thenonsensemaker and hashtag #thenonsensebear.